• Vineri, Martie 17, 2023

Headless WordPress separates WordPress’s back-end admin area from the front-end that visitors see. ePanel uses unique technology to generate static and headless WordPress sites, in one click. This disconnects your live website from WordPress and delivers sites as pre-rendered files. Your site visitors continue to experience the site as usual.

Headless WordPress Benefits

At this point, we’ve already mentioned a few of the benefits of going with a headless WordPress architecture for your content management. However, there are plenty of additional advantages:

  • Highly performant, instantly optimized sites
    Many customers benefit from boosts to their Core Web Vital scores due to the increased speed and better user experience. Faster website page loading speeds are correlated with better ranking in search, and improved conversion rates.
  • Unprecedented static security
    By virtue of its pure static architecture (i.e. it’s a collection of HTML, CSS, and JS files with no underlying servers), hackers and malicious actors have nothing to breach, giving you peace of mind and lower maintenance costs.
  • Scalable sites
    Never worry about your site going down just when you most need it to be up to support incoming traffic. Without the weight of PHP processing and server activity slowing things down, your site will always scale for traffic and load. No need to provision the servers ahead of a big campaign. In fact, the more traffic that hits the CDN requesting your site, the faster your site will perform.

One more thing...
Headless Mode of ePanel is not limited to WordPress, any CMS can be enabled for Headless Mode